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NT LABS Aquarium Tap Water Safe 100ML NT470

SKU: 733809004701

$ 12.40 $ 12.40

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Tap Water Safe removes chlorine and other halogens, chloramine and heavy metals found in tap water, which are toxic to fish. Tap Water Safe also contains a special protective coating that reduces stress caused by transportation of fish.

Use when filling a new aquarium and anytime when adding fresh tap water i.e. during a water change. Also use when moving fish from one place to another: simply add to the transport bags.

How to use?

  • Calculate the volume of your aquarium in litres (length x width x depth (in cm)/1000). Alternatively, use our Dosage Calculator to help you.
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly before use.
  • Mix required dose in the new water before adding it to the aquarium.
  • Add slowly to aquarium.
  • Product works immediately to remove chlorine and chloramines from tap water.


Do not use this product within 24 hours of using Anti-Internal Bacteria.

“Comprehensive and easy to use, I often like to have a couple of bottles of Anti-Internal Bacteria treatment or Disease Solve to hand. Nice to know that I’m not the only one who rates these products!” Nathan Hill, the Associate Editor of Practical Fishkeeping Magazine


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NT LABS Aquarium Tap Water Safe 100ML NT470



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R Returns and Exchange
D Delivery

Exchange/return of goods* is allowed on a case-by-case basis up to 7 days from the date order is received, provided the items are in the original condition.

  1. All items should be in original condition, unopened.
  2. To maintain good hygiene, collars, beds, cages, and all other wearable are not eligible for exchanges or returns.
  3. A $15 delivery fee will be imposed on each exchange and return. Once the item(s) is returned back to our warehouse, our team will inspect the condition of the item(s) and contact you to issue a refund within 5 working days, if approved.
  4. [CLEARANCE] is not eligible for refund/exchange.

Exchanging/Refunding of Items:

  1. We can pick up the items & bring it back to our warehouse - service fee $15
  2. We will deliverthe exchange items when you make a new order. (The new order needs to be made within 1- 2 weeks from the date of the previous delivery)
  3. You can drop off the item at our Store at - Block 151 Serangoon North Ave 2 unit 01-79 (S) 550151 (Mondays - Fridays; 10am - 6pm) *WhatsApp 9450 0947 for approval before coming to the store.
  4. Our team will inspect the condition of the item(s) & contact you thereafter regarding exchange or a refund. Refunds would be issued in the same method of payment as the original payment.

How long does Petmart Online take to deliver after I’ve placed my order?

  • Our delivery will take 3 to 5 working days. We will deliver from Monday to Friday from 10am to 10pm.
  • Orders that require exchange may take an extra 1-2 days to deliver.


  • Delivery is free above $100 net spent, Below $100 there will he a $15 delivery fee.

Can I opt for self-collection?

  • No!
    As our goods come direct from our warehouse, we are not able to allow self pickup. *Do give us a call or WhatsApp 9450 0947 and we will try to help you with you orders.

Drop Off

  • Driver only able to leave outside your door steps. Due to Covid and Safety of our staff.